When I played in the sandbox the cat kept covering me up. -- Rodney
Trap, Neuter and Return |

Above -This mother and her baby were waiting for their evening
meal. Sable, a feral mama cat was finally caught in the summer of
2008. It took us 2 years to catch her! She is now spayed,
vaccinated, gaining weight and is retired from the baby making business.
She has tamed down a little and now has her caretakers trained to serve
her food on demand! Fortunately, we were able to catch and tame
all of her kittens this season. In the past, most of her kittens
were untamable and had to be released after their spay or neuter.
We are actively working on TNR (Trap, Neuter and Return) for three feral colonies in the
Middleton area. TNR is a program for feral cats where they are
caught in humane traps, spayed or neutered, tested and vaccinated then
returned to their feral colony. This is a very humane and effective way to combat
the overpopulation of cats in our area, and nationwide. Killing
excess cats has always been a reaction to the problem and does not solve the problem! The feral colonies
become stabilized, stay healthier, fight less and most of all aren't
accumulating more unwanted and malnourished kittens.
We have trapped, neutered and returned over
70 cats in Middleton and we are still working on it. Cats that are
truly feral are re-released after being vaccinated, spayed/neutered and
having one of their ears tipped (ear tipping allows us to know who has
or hasn't been s/n.
The feral cats have dedicated caretakers who provide the cats with food
and water. Cats and kittens that are tame or can be worked
with are placed in foster homes until they can be adopted into loving
homes. |

If you would like to learn more about the concept of TNR programs,
check out the the following great websites:
The Humane Society of the United States
Alley Cat Allies
The Feral Cat Coalition |
Pull for Mouse Kitty.
Mouse is an adorable, tiny kitten that looked like a little mouse
when we first took her into foster. A very caring vet tech rescued
her and called us because she knows we have a soft spot for, and will
work with special needs cats. The vet clinic she works for had
several people stop by over a two week period saying there was a mama cat
running around with a blind kitten. When she heard about this, she immediately
went and searched for the mama and kitten. The mama cat
unfortunately ran off, but she was able to grab little Mouse kitty.
Mouse had all of her baby teeth, meaning she
was at least 6 weeks old. But, she was only half the size she
should be. Considering that she was sick and underdeveloped, it
was a tribute to the mama cat that she had survived for that long. |
A few days after we got her, she really crashed and we almost lost
her. She had a very serious, unknown infection. Thank God
with supportive care and medicines, she pulled through. She was so
tiny, weak and malnourished when we took her in. She was born
without upper eyelids and one eye is undeveloped, sunken, and covered with tissue.
The other eye has some sight left, but her pupil does not
dilate or contract. This makes her eye light sensitive and she
doesn't like it when we take pictures of her! Her eye tends to dry
out and we are treating it for an ulcer. When she is strong enough
and big enough she will need medical procedures for her eyes. We are unsure if the
better eye will
remain healthy enough to keep. We are hoping so.
We are still very concerned for her because her back legs are weak
and wobbly. We aren't sure why that is. We were hoping it
was from malnutrition but it doesn't seem to be getting any better.
We now believe it is from another birth defect. She doesn't let it
stop her from running and playing and she doesn't seem to be in any
pain. She is the sweetest little tiny mouse kitty and so playful. Please
keep her in your prayers.
If you wish to help out with her medical bills see our
donation page
for ways you can help. |
Mouse at 6 months. Looking to see if anyone donated money for her
surgery. :-) |
Socks - AKA Snert |
This adorable character is Snert. He was brought into the vet clinic on a day when Teresa was
working. He was 6 weeks old and had been attacked by a
family dog. The family was devastated but had no money to
try to save him and were faced with having to euthanize him. They also
knew they could not take him back home with them to nurse him back to
because of the dog's behavior. We asked if they would surrender the
kitten over to Conrad Strays, knowing he may or may not survive.
They agreed to surrender him in hopes he may have a chance for survival. |
suffered a lot of head trauma and was bleeding from his eyes, nose and
mouth. But he was alert and had a little bit of spunk in him. His eyes were
dilated and showing some possible signs of neurological damage. The doctor and Teresa
decided to see how he would do overnight. If he didn't have any
brain trauma and didn't go into seizures, he had a good chance of
survival. Thankfully, he did great overnight and his eyes were
better. He had a huge, deep, open wound from the tip of his chin down
his neck. We were worried his jaw was dislocated or broken. He also had swollen
puncture wounds on top of his
head and inside his tiny little mouth and nose. He had problems
breathing and could not close his mouth completely because of the damage
to his nose and mouth.
In spite of all the pain he was in, he still had the attitude that he
wanted to keep living. You could tell he felt there is still a lot of
playing to do and a lot of mischief to get into. This is why
Teresa knew that she had to give him a chance. He is doing better
now and is full of attitude. The wound on his chin and neck was very
serious but is healing well. He is still having problems breathing
because of the trauma and swelling in his little mouth and nose. We are
praying his breathing goes back to normal. He was renamed Snert,
at least for now, because of the sniffly, snargly, snerty, slurping
sounds he makes when eats. His mouth wounds are
healing but he still doesn't close his mouth all of the way. We're
not sure if this is because something is wrong with his jaw or because
it still hurts him too much. He is able to eat on his own now and he is running
around all over the place. All he wants is to be in our laps or in
our arms all of the time. As soon as he is fully recovered he will
be ready for his
forever home. He is such a character we know he will be someone's
best friend forever and really liven up their home!
at almost 6 months.
He's ready to be neutered and he ended up being cryptorchid. We
are hoping to only have him go under anesthesia once because he is a
very high risk because he can't breath thru his mouth and we are unsure
if they can intabate him (may have to perform and emergency tracheostomy.
He needs a CT scan, bronchoscopy/rhinoscopy, VDIC CT and possibly
biopsy. |

You could
help Conrad Strays win a $25,000 grant! |
Go to the Animal Rescue Site and Click-To-Give.
Then vote for us and we could win $25,000
to help pets in need. |
The Animal Rescue Site is hosting a special challenge for eligible
Petfinder.com member shelter and rescue groups. The grand prize is a
$25,000 grant, and they will be awarding many other grants to rescue
groups with the most votes — a total of $100,000 in grants for animal
welfare organizations.
Think how many animals we could help for $25,000!
Help us win! All you have to do is click to help rescued animals, and
then vote in The Animal Rescue Site $100,000 Shelter+ Challenge. Both of
these actions are absolutely free! You can vote once a day, every day,
from September 29 through December 14, 2008. Every time you vote, or
tell a friend to vote, you are making a huge difference for us.
Vote today!